Swag and Tassel

Grey Sheep



pembrokeshire / United Kingdom


Middlesex Univeristy

Graduation year


Main Manufacturing Countries

United Kingdom

Here at Swag and Tassel, we design and hand craft one of a kind luxury handbags and accessories full of character and style. With a thoughtful approach to design and an eye for detail and craftsmanship, rare and exclusive pieces are created.

Welsh designer Sophie Wordsworth began her journey making carpet bags. Using the rich history of the materials, like carpets hand-woven by tribes in Northern Persia Sophie’s initial collections were an exciting juxtaposition of old and new. Following success at the British Craft Trade Fair in 2013, Swag and Tassel list amongst its stockists the British Museum in London.

At the heart of our design ethic is craftsmanship and quality materials. The leather used is lovingly sourced and even more lovingly handled and the historically rich rugs have become a welcome obsession. So, with that in mind, we strive to make bags with an heirloom quality and accessories with a practical and lasting nature.

All of our products are designed, pattern cut and constructed in our small studio in Wales. Nothing is out sourced or made in a hurry, meaning that quality is never compromised. Hand stitching techniques are used for strength and durability, creating pieces that are built to last. If there is ever an issue with your bag beyond natural wear and tear our policy is to repair it free of charge. We appreciate our customers.

Shopping for materials has to be one of Sophie’s favourite jobs. Escaping the confines of her studio, she gets the pleasure of visiting the Aladdin’s Cave of leather that is JT Batchelor’s in Dalston, East London. There she spends hours hand picking the finest vegetable tanned leather. She then makes the short trip over to Walter Reginald’s and orders the most luxurious soft suede from Italy.
And the rugs… that’s a pursuit of passion. If there’s an unwanted and unloved Persian rug out there waiting to be found, Sophie will find you!
Sophie has recently started making a whole new collection using the finest leather she could get her hands on… Oak Bark Tanned Leather.
This leather is extra special. J & F J Baker of Colyton, Devon is believed to be the last remaining oak bark tannery. Using West country cow hides they use a traditional slow-tanning method which takes up to 14 months.
Finished using a special blend of natural oils and greases that protect and feed the leather whilst simultaneously emphasising the natural grain and colour. The result is an unrivalled product that is sustainable, organic, hard wearing and luxury. Unique and beautiful to touch and smell.

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