Without You

Grey Sheep


hong kong / hong kong

Diagnosed with severe visual impairment caused by a sudden genetic mutation at the age of 31, Ringo Chui made a life turning decision and devoted himself to establishing his own design label, WITHOUT YOU, a bold attempt to turn what's seemingly the most horrible nightmare that could happen to a trained fashion designer, into an exciting mashup of colors & fabrics which invites everyone not only to take a close look and wear, but also have a feel of fashion interpreted by the optically low visions.

Showcasing its debut collection in Paris; Japan and Shanghai, WITHOUT YOU is an unisex fashion label presenting everyday ready-to-wears with an accent of playfulness through fun-loving details. Free of borders & barriers, visual illusions have always been Ringo’s inspiration in designs and is now taken to a new level through the stark contrast in colors and fabrics used in the collection.

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