Grey Sheep



united states

Graduation year


Vivian Cho is born and raised in Hong Kong. Growing up in a city where grassroots fashion scenes are far and few between, she was grateful to be given an opportunity to enrol in Hong Kong Design Institute. Throughout her time with HKDI, she completed a degree in Fashion Image Styling and picked up the A-Z of fashion, including garment design, fashion photography, makeup, hairstyling, and most importantly a strong passion for the industry.

She began her studies at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco right after, where she is presently pursuing a Bachelor degree in Fashion Design with a strong focus on Womenswear. Hailing from an international background, Vivian and her design aesthetic leans heavily upon cultural juxtapositions and various sub-cultures that she immerses herself in. Her designs combine high fashion with streetwear, arming the disenfranchised wearers with tools of confident self-expression. Sophistication, she believes, should lie in the context, however imperfect and incomplete; the ability for beauties and flaws to be seen is a priority that is second to none.

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