Toujours X Fidele

Grey Sheep


monteal / canada

Graduation year


In the summer of 2011, Amy Jenine Wong found silver ring at the bottom of a flea market bin in Paris, France. Engraved inside was "Toujours Fidèle", what is now the ethos of the collaborative project between local artists and designers.

Toujours x Fidèle is a creative family that collectively makes limited-edition clothing and objects from deadstock, reclaimed and otherwise forgotten materials. All pieces are upcycled from high quality reclaimed materials or made from sustainable plant-based fibers. If items are dyed, T x F uses their own brewed natural plant-based dyes.

Locally produced, each collection is showcased in an immersive Pop Up Space that guides viewers into their chosen narrative. Their first Pop Up was curated around the myth of suburban living.

The T x F Family is Amy Jenine Wong (Founder and Creative Director), Devlyn Van Loon (Designer), Kendra Pegg (Designer), Sabine Spare (Designer and Natural Dye Specialist), Andrea Kott (Artist and Glassware Designer).

Magic is Real.

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