Seokwoon Yoon

Grey Sheep



new york / united states


pratt institute

Graduation year


Seokwoon Yoon was born in South Korea and spent most of his childhood in Busan, beach city. He first started to study fashion in Korea and He decided to move to NYC. He thinks that New York is great city to extend his career.
After he moved to New York in 2013, he studied menswear tailoring and fashion design in Fashion Institute of Technology and, he decided to study fashion design BFA at Pratt Institute in 2014. Pratt is located in Brooklyn and He knows how atmosphere is important for him and how effects on his work. He is mostly inspired by people and environment around him. Through the Junior Works, he featured Not Just A Label as Black Sheep designer and his works started to publish in fashion magazines, such as Openlab Magazine, Wad Magazine, Jute Magazine and Noctis Magazine. After finishing his Junior year, and decided to go to Berlin. He faced the young and energetic cultures and met a lot of artists. He realized what his design identity is and Learned the show development at the independent design company. After he came back to New York, He really wanted to learn about New York fashion industry and started to intern at the design team of PUBLC SCHOOL.
At that time, he started his Senior Thesis. He always tries to find the beauty of balance between two different things. He believes that all things have at least two different aspects and they can make the incredible synergy. For the fashion, he pursues to express both the commercial value and artistic aspect of garment. He is preparing to extend his career in New York.

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