Sarah E Buchanan

Grey Sheep


london / United Kingdom


london college of fashion

Graduation year


Passionate about research Buchanan has a meticulous attitude towards uncovering all elements in a concept. In this collection it enabled a distinctive perspective to a large subject, creating a concept based around model making and accessibility of a globally collective dream.

Through innovative use of materials and conceptual pattern cutting, Buchanan has achieved striking shapes and confident structural lines, reflecting the impressive machines that inspired. Fascination with the utterly indescribable, near magical, machines that are so integrated, ordinary and standardised, motivated a need to highlight what a truly extraordinary achievement flight, both modern and historical actually is.

Awarded Most Successful 3-way Collaboration on in a Graduate showcase week for the BA13 Press Show collection. Prints by Claire Kelly - LCF Surface Textiles, Millinery by Georgina Howling - LCF Fashion Jewellery.

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