Grey Sheep


belgrade / serbia

Ljuba Sikimić graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in the field of Stage and Contemporary Costume Design. She earned a master’s degree in Fashion Design in Milan at the European Institute of Design (Instituto Europeo di Design).

Her student work and costumes were shown at gallery Progress in Belgrade as a part of the graduate group exhibition ’Ethnology’. Later on, during her master studies and residence in Milan, world`s fashion capital, she was engaged on various academic and extracurricular projects that helped her define her style and gain international experience crucial for conceptualizing her own brand Railway and launching her first collection.

One of the important professional experiences during her studies in Milan was work on her final project under the mentorship of the Anna Dello Russo. Ready to step into the Belgrade fashion scene, Ljuba Sikimić presented her first collection INTENSITY at Belgrade`s Fashion Week in 2011. The collection was inspired by the tradition and culture of Spain the elements of which she incorporated into her personal vision and the artistic expression.
The collections in general are designed for unique, self-confident women that strive to look exceptionally elegant in every occasion. Ljuba Sikimić is the owner of the Railway brand and fashion atelier in Belgrade.The main vision of RAILWAY brand is to combine retro with modern elements. The brand is inspired by the historical significance of the railway, where, as the railway connected different cultures, RAILWAY brand unites different styles - antique and modern.Natural materials, mainly leather, silk and lace, and a rich variety of colors dominate the collections.The collections and models carrying this brand name are all unique pieces available in Railway fashion ateliers.Each collection is complemented by unique pieces of jewelry, which have become a recognizable and essential part of every collection and a distinguished signature of the designer.
Ljuba Sikimic has been awarded in 2011 Belgrade fashion week for the best debut fashion show and in the same year she has been awarded with the most prestigious award -Boris Nikolić- for the best contemporary fashion expression of 2011 at Belgrade fashion week. Ljuba has also been a fashion editor at Serbian magazine GloriaIN.

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