Grey Sheep



brooklyn / united states


pratt institute

Graduation year


one thing has been constant at the core of all of my design processes; a responsible commitment to environmental consciousness and sustainability. Growing up, I spent all of my free time exploring the woods and rivers that surrounded me, I have always felt an intrinsic connection to the natural world. I escape and find refuge in the wilderness; I am most at peace with myself and my world when I am immersed in nature. When I moved out to New York City I was initially shocked and alienated by my new urban environment. However, I have come to feel at home here and have discovered a lot about myself and my world as well. As an outlet for creativity, fashion design is my choice medium. I love the challenges that garment design and construction presents. I think fashion is an incredible and exciting art form that is infinitely varied and has the power to enact social conversation and change. I look to create unique silhouettes and employ bright colors and patterns in my designs. I hope to communicate a fun and imaginative world while staying true to my core sustainable design principals.

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