OLA Jewelry

Grey Sheep



leuven / belgium

Main Manufacturing Countries


OLA Jewelry developed out of a fascination for technology and a passion for jewelry design. The jewels represent a combination of these two things: 3D printing technology on the one hand and design on the other. Each design starts with a drawing on paper, which is converted into a computer file. The jewels are then ‘printed’ by a 3D printer before being finished by hand.
OLA Jewelry products are innovative, inventive, colorful and unique. Founder Ina Suffeleers comes from a background as a marketing professional in the technology sector. She has always been fascinated by the new possibilities that technology provides, and was already engaged in jewelry design in her spare time. The advent of 3D printing provided the impetus to bring these two interests together, and OLA Jewelry’s first collection was launched in 2013.

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