Natalie Saramin

Grey Sheep



florence / italy


Fashion school Polimoda

Graduation year


Born in northern Italy very close to the alps, I developed my passion for both nature and fashion at the same time. I grew up inhaling fashion as my parents were both in this field and I've always been a happy kid free to wear wherever I prefer. My family is split in two cultures, my mum is English grew up in Africa and my dad is Italian. This dual culture I carry inside taught me that differences are cool to discover. I graduated in languages in Biella, my growing place that gave me the love for fibers and open air. I had the possibility to work for some brands and to verify if my passion was because of my surrounding or something I have always had inside. The answer came and then I move to Florence where I started Polimoda Fashion School. I suddenly noticed my inclination on sportswear and outerwear, this may come from my passion for my mountains, my place of birth and technical garments we used to wear to go playing in the snow. I consider myself as a very curious and positive person, I always try to have a smile on and seize the funny side from everything. Hopefully people will notice that in my works.
For info and collaborations please contact me at: [email protected]

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