Mina Park

Grey Sheep



seoul / south korea


fashion institute of technology (FIT) new york.

Graduation year


Fashion, to me it is an infinite connection. Through this connection, I can communicate with anything
or anyone. In this complex communication of my expression, my experience, philosophy, and anguish
are shaped into something very real – fashion. There is an incomparable joy in this practice. When I
see my vision and philosophy projected on my designs, and when they are observed and shared by
others, I feel truly proud.

To be where I am right now, since the moment I decided on this path, I have endeavored to define
myself. I always believed that more I saw and more I did, all of my experiences will eventually make
me better. I studied in Seoul, New York and Milan, and after all, I could finally build the foundation of
my philosophy - with sentiment of Asia, culture of America and Europe’s mood. Every single one of
little experiences pieced together as a big picture of who I am.

MINA PARK’s main design concept is genderless. Uniqueness and simplicity are key points to each
garment, and there is no definite look – every garment can be styled with each other. In the color
palate of neutral tones, I work with fabric styling and construction to complete originality. My garments
can be worn on many generations of individuals, and still preserve uniqueness.

I start my collection with a big, unprocessed raw image or concept. After trials of mind maps and
developments, I narrow down my thoughts and refine ones that are relevant with my philosophy.
Every single collection goes through this long but necessary process, and I believe only then, they are
noticed. I have participated and won many awards including KAMA competition and AFT/CTI contest,
and graduated with AAS critic award. As a young designer who just stepped outside into the real world, I hope to establish many
opportunities to communicate my designs to other people. Eventually, I will become a free, untamed and hard working designer.

Latest Collection
