Mabel Brempong

Black Sheep



Dayton / united states

Main Manufacturing Countries


Mabel Brempong (MB) is a Ghanaian American ethical fashion brand that represents a love for style, quality, and confidence. Founded in September 2018, MB launched with its Fashion show in Seoul, South Korea, as the first high end African American brand to debut in Seoul. Our core commitment to sustainability and ethical practices ensure that our supply chain operates under Fairtrade, with no trace of forced and child labor, and harmful working environments for laborers. Mabel Brempong offers a Ready to Wear Line for Women, bespoke and bridal events wear, and accessories.

Mabel Brempong operates to empower communities through the establishment of the Mabel & Brempong Foundation. The Foundation aims to equip underprivileged youth in Ghana with the necessary training and skills through our free apprenticeship program. This we hope will enable them a sustainable life for themselves as they in turn build their respective communities.


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