Kelly Horrigan Handmade

Grey Sheep


brooklyn / united states


pratt institute

Kelly Horrigan Handmade creates quality jewelry and one-of-a-kind leather accessories that combine old world techniques with experimental finishes and modern aesthetic. Pieces are designed and hand crafted using high quality leather, semi-precious stones, antique beads, feathers, vintage hardware and found objects. KHH allows the personality of each material to inspire pieces that bridge pure art and high fashion. We exist to empower women to express themselves through beautiful, unique adornments that represent their strength and individuality.

Kelly Horrigan Handmade was created in response to mass produced commercial fashion. Intent on reintroducing handmade, quality products in limited production. KHH makes sustainable choices by using materials, whenever possible, that are produced in a way that minimizes harm to the environment.

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