Joshua James Small

Black Sheep



london / United Kingdom

Main Manufacturing Countries

United Kingdom

Launched in 2019, Joshua James Small has showcased at The Positive Fashion Exhibition under The Official London Fashion Week showcase, as well as having shown in Shenzhen under YINGER, and presented digitally at Helsinki Fashion Week. His work has been worn by Rita Ora, Oh Wonder, and Griff, and has been published in Glamour, Notion, Wonderland, and Hunger, among a list of other titles. His work has also been referenced in multiple publications including FORBES, Vogue Italia and Tank.

Notable for his commitment to sustainability and conscious design, Small produces immersive high end womenswear. He creates concepts that inspire escapism through complex and precise pattern cutting. Conscious design practice is at the core of Small's brand, with transparency being paramount to producing a sustainable output. For this reason, all components of each garment are listed through his website at date of release. His work is created from a combination of organic fibres and ethically produced material, as well as upcycled dead-stock fabric supplied by companies including consistent sponsors Swarovski, Sophie Hallette, and Ultrafabrics. All garments are designed and made in England, and pieces are produced on a made-to-order basis, ensuring that each garment is responsibly manufactured.

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