Evegnia Medevedeva

Grey Sheep



london / United Kingdom


london college of fashion

Graduation year


Currently, a student at London College of Fashion (Womenswear) I launched my clothing brand in 2015 - a year before coming to London.

My designs are subconsciously based on my background even though inspirations may come from anything in the world. As a result, all my collections are like a human who wears different masks, but whose soul remains the same.

While creating visible beauty my major inspiration comes from the inner and changeable world of human beings - both women and men.

I am also sensitive about the traditions and craftsmanship of my motherland, so I collaborate with one of the oldest golden embroidery factories in Russia to help sustain their art and share their beauty and amazing craftsmanship with the world. All embroidered details in both clothing and accessory collections are hand made.

My collections were featured on Vogue Italia website, the Bite Magazine (UK), approved by Not Just a Label, exhibited in TSUM (Moscow) and shown on several catwalks in Russia and in London (2017).

Apart from fashion, I am also into illustration.
It is my way to meditate. By following the strokes of a fine liner and experimenting with colour mixed I reach a meditative state of mind. I share my meditative drawings, resonating calm and pure vibes, with the world.

My art was published in Create Magazine (December 2017).

Latest Collection
