Ev Bessar

Grey Sheep



united states



Graduation year


Ev Bessar collections depict raw and textured imagery with the unique design aesthetic. Ev's designs portray complexity in the form of creating fabric, cultivating modern innovation techniques, treatments, and manipulation.

Graduating from Parsons, Ev Bessar has been organizing and producing multiple Fashion Shows, Charity Showcases, Exhibitions, as well as Fashion Films and Editorials. Her collections were featured in publications worldwide including The New York Times, Elle, NY Post, Fashionista, Fashion Daily Mag among others.

The designer devoted her time solely on handcrafting entire collections from scratch. The signature combination of leather and yarn is portrayed in the staple pieces of her collection. The true masterpieces of the line incorporate a sense of unity in the wearer, turning imagination into a source of energy. 

The passion for Art led Ev into exploring the world of Sculpture. Her dark vision is inspired by subconsciousness and the power it can portray on people’s life choices. In the mixed media sculptures Ev Bessar combines the diversity, strength, and depth of instant emotions. She became a member of San Diego Sculptors Guild and is actively participating in exhibitions, art fairs, and shows.

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