Grey Sheep



brooklyn / united states


pratt institute

Graduation year


Hello, I am a Brooklyn based costume designer, fashion designer, and creative professional. I am a fine artist who uses design as a tool to shift perceptions. ||

Throughout the past five years I have worked in various facets of the costume and fashion industries, including working as Assistant Designer at Dominic Louis and Costume Designer at Izquierdo Studio.
My work has been seen on Broadway, at the Metropolitan Opera, at the Metropolitan Museum, at Alex Grey's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, at Burning Man, and collections of my handmade headdresses have been sold at Screaming Mimi's boutique in NYC. ||

I am also the co-founder of a sustainable wearable tech start up, called DeadWood NYC, with my partner in life and crime, architect Oliver Allaux. Our purpose is to reinstate a connection with our natural world while thriving in a machine driven one, utilizing cutting edge technology to produce conceptual biodegradable garments. We feel that by rethinking something as fundamental as clothing, we can spark global change in environmental awareness. ||

Please contact me at [email protected] for press inquiries, pull requests, and other information. ||
Contact DeadWoodNYC at [email protected] ||


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