Grey Sheep



london / United Kingdom


central saint martin's & London College of fashion

Designer at Cuti LDN, Renata is a contemporary Lingerie Designer and Expressionist. Her youth had encompassed around Arts from a young age. Renata started attending painting courses at the age of 4, qualified by age of 12, when she decided to attend sewing classes. She later on gained a diploma in Creative Arts and Fashion Studies but the age of 18, followed by a diploma in Theatrical Costume Design, certificate in Advanced Corset Techniques at the Royal Welsh College of Art and Drama, in recent times she is a BA student specialized in Lingerie at London College of Fashion. Renata made her way through to the finalists of some prestigious competitions, such as Link Award in Milan and now is on the mission to explore the deepest holes of the soul- where all anger, sadness and frustration lies, to find the ultimate beauty shining through.