Cristobal eolo

Black Sheep



New York City / united states

Main Manufacturing Countries

united states

Founded in 2019, Cristobal Eolo was founded with the ideals of Femme Wear, gender fluid fashion that embraces the feminine identity, sustainability, and uniqueness. We believe in enhancing the feminine mien and creating a version of a person that just strives to be even more than more.

The Cristobal Eolo brand does not create fashion for the “norm;” we create fashion for anyone who enjoys to express themselves through the art of fashion and making statements. We are here to further blur the lines of gender in fashion and just create, create looks, create statements, create a movement.

With the fashion industry being one of the lead causes of pollution, we need to create more awareness on the effects we have on the environment. The Cristobal Eolo brand strives to create sustainable fashion to further push an eco friendly world. We try for every collection to be 40-50% recycled materials in order to reduce our waste footprint in this industry.

Different, we believe in the power of uniqueness and the ability it has to empower people. With fashion becoming more and more linear and uniform, we encourage people to push the boundaries and embrace their uniqueness.

"I want people to feel good, empowered, and different" -Cristobal G.

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