FW 17 『 c 』

FW 17 『 c 』

Dedicatedly crafted with 3D knitting technique, the capsule collection is a range of cashmere knitwear inspired by the sea. Various shades of blue and chic details like cable and zig-zag knit patterns are tactfully used, in order to outline the sea and its movement.
The alphabet “C” sounds as “sea”. The shape of “C” is also similar as sea wave.
品牌首個系列 “C” 以「海」為題,設計師將羊絨 (Cashmere) 物料以立體針織設計,並用不同深淺的藍、麻花紐繩與鋸齒花紋,勾勒出屬於海與浪的靈魂。 英文字母“C” 與海的英文 “sea” 同音,“C” 的筆劃形狀也與海浪相像。