
Grey Sheep


london / United Kingdom


university of westminster

Boodi is an artisanal jewellery brand founded by designer Sarah Marafie. Born and raised in the Middle East her Kuwaiti background and love of traipsing markets with her English mother for old, tarnished Arabic ornaments, jewels and rugs has had a strong influence on her. Home was an Aladdin’s cave of treasures, on display and in cupboards. Rummaging through these finds, as well as her mothers jewellery box, grew into a fascination for discovering objects, treasures and trinkets, fantasising on tales of their journey.
Growing organically in Boodi’s London studio, each of Sarah Marafie’s designs are hand carved from wax and cast in recycled silver and gold. The Bija collection is inspired by unearthed primeval hoards and symbols and beliefs from civilisations passed. Each piece holds a positive message and meaning with the intention of passing on positivity to its wearer. With this is mind, all the materials used are ethically sourced; Sustainability is at the core of all that Boodi creates.
Sarah has a deep love for animals and their welfare, rescuing strays as a child and throughout her life. Animal welfare is an important factor in the Boodi purpose. Animals loom large in all ancient cultures; then, as now, in the BIJA collection, animals convey strength, freedom, new life and protection. A number of Boodi pieces are linked to animal welfare charities and 10% of sales are donated to them with each purchase of these items. The charities we currently donate to are Animals Asia, Born Free Foundation and Whale and dolphin Conservation.

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