
Grey Sheep



wellington / new zealand

Born of a desire to honour our common threads and embrace the power of feminine energy. Aramudi is created for those who seek to explore their identity and connect to women gone before. Our jewellery embodies important attributes of womankind; fierceness, strength, nurturing, vulnerability and connection. It also serves as a reminder of our shared cultural lineage – using designs that represent symbols of womanhood spanning various cultures and geographies.
The name Aramudi (or Arasala) is a connection to our south Asian heritage. Originally used as an amulet of modesty and protection to be worn around the waist of children, we seek to give new life to the use of amulets and talismans.

Rather than protecting from harm, Aramudi jewellery protects the wearer’s fierce intent and inspires towards a future driven by feminine energy and matriarchal leadership.

Each bold piece acts as a coat of arms – empowering the wearer with the strength of the women who came before them and creating space for connection, unity and understanding. Aramudi jewellery is a reminder that our strength lies in the duality of feminine energy – together we are nurturing and fiercely powerful.

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