Grey Sheep


kolkata / india


london college of fashion

Graduation year


Designer Ankita Dokania believes that fashion is not only aesthetics it is also an experience.
She graduated from the National Institue of Fashion Technology, India in 2010 and won the Most Creative Collection and an All-round talent award for her skills in the various areas of garment construction and design. She then worked with a famous design house in India known as Rohit Gandhi + Rahul Khanna and learnt the commercial aspect of the trade.
In 2012 she decided to further her horizons of knowledge and moved to London to study Ma Fashion and the Environment at the London College of Fashion. Now with a Master's degree in her pocket she has returned to India to launch herself as a designer.

Her design ethos has always involved an element of experimentation and creativity. She promotes slow textiles and slow fashion for better quality of life and believes in merging Western silhouettes in Indian craft. She has succesfully expressed these ideas in her recent collection where she has played around with the idea of transperancy and pleating adorned with intricate 'Kantha' stitches, a craft of Bengal, reciting the personal stories and experiences of the artisans who made it. Please check out her latest collection and for any enquiries contact [email protected].

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