Alena Andreeva

Grey Sheep


moscow / russia

Alena Andreeva. AlenAndreeva designer brand. Graduated Moscow Fashion House "Slava Zaitsev". Member MBRFW.  Working towards the avant-garde fashion, what problems do you put in front you?

I try don't create “sculptures to collect dust”.

 What ideas do you strive to convey to the public as a designer?

The desire to express ourselves through clothing, choosing vivid images does not mean stamped “single

white crow”, it means that you have grown to the point, where you can’t afford it.

 Who does wear your product? What’s your audience?

It’s people of different age from 18 to 55. I have clients who are far beyond 40. What they have in

common - they are not afraid to express themselves and ready to experiments.

 The other fashion is an art, that is not understandable to all. In the current difficult economic

situation, is it possible to afford ourselves not to be a commercial brand?

If you always ask yourself the question, whether it is possible to afford it, there will be the one way - a

dead end. You always have to trust yourself, believe in your dream and go forward.

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