Grey Sheep


bratislava / slovakia


academy of fine arts and design in bratislava

Graduation year


Marcel Holubec W. graduated as a fashion designer in 2007 from Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. In 2007 he achieved a title top Styl Designer with collection „Pepinier“ in Brno, Czech republic. His work was presented on many fashion shows not just in Slovakia but also in Czech republic, Austria, Germany, Finland, Hungary and the USA.
Since his graduation he is dedicated to creation and representation his own collections and also custom clothing for his customers.
His work is well-known for playing with different types of materials, creation of imaginings and transformation into reality. „ I’m trying to achieve that people and costumers shall feel what I feel through my clothes.“
Every collection is a deposition about creator of himself. He is inspired by everything in his life. He is definitely not just a designer who designs just clothes. He designs with soul and heart in every piece of clothing.

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