Grey Sheep


berlin / germany


Freie Universität Berlin/University of Montreal

Graduation year


Main Manufacturing Countries


The founder and lead designer of the company is Adriana Baldacci. Born in Romania, Adriana Baldacci left for Montreal, Canada, where she obtained an M.A. scholarship in order to complete her studies in the field of German literature and arts. She afterwards was encouraged to continue her research and she obtained her doctor’s degree in German Literature and Arts at both University of Montreal and Free University Berlin. While reading and writing about the Ballets Russes and the artistic life of the Wild 20es, the impulse to create elegant and colorful, yet dynamic woman’s clothing got stronger and stronger. She established in Berlin where she created her label in 2012. Since then, she has pursued her dream: to create a graceful, yet dynamic fashion for city women, while absorbing the qualities of paintings into everyday fashion.

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